Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Puppy Love or Puppy Exhaustion?

Kyle and I bought our first dog Friday, March 9th.  He is a "Teddy Bear."  Teddy Bear is the name given to the cross between a purebred Bichon Frise and a purebred Shih Tzu.  He truly does look like a little Teddy Bear, which is why I first fell in love with him when I saw his face on the pet rescue's website.

Every Thursday the rescue updates their site with new puppies and last Thursday I came across our puppy's face and thought he was just the cutest thing.  Kyle came home from school for a break and we went to the city to look at this little puppy, who at the shelter was known as Parker.

We went into the room where they bring you different puppies you like so you can get acquainted and see if he/she would be a good fit for your family and we immediately liked him.  He chewed on absolutely everything metal and ran a little bit crooked but he was just too sweet.  We payed for him that day and made plans for Kyle to pick him up the next day.

That night after I got off of work we went to PetSmart and found him a water/food dish, some toys, treats, and food.  It was all very exciting.

The next day I cleaned the house, picked up potentially chewable items of ours, and got the house all "puppy proofed" for our little guy.  At about 3:00 that afternoon Kyle went to the city to get our little puppy and bring him home.  All day at work I was so excited just to get home and see the little guy.  I raced home and came in to find Kyle looking a little exhausted and our puppy not at all exhausted. 

At this point I was just excited to have a new little friend and had absolutely no idea what I was in for.

That night, we retired early (especially for a Friday night) and we decided to put our puppy (still nameless) in his crate in our room.  He went NUTS.  He was jumping around all crazy, barking, crying, and just being an overall spaz.  Plan B time.  So we took the puppy to the living room and after asking the advice of veteran puppy owners we place a blanket over the crate leaving one side open facing the wall.  He barked some, cried a little, but was way more calm.

Everything I read said that new dogs need confinement because they won't want to "eliminate" in their own little space and it will help with the whole potty training and house breaking your dog thing.
Well, still very new at this, we did not get up in the night and let him out to pee.  Rookie mistake. This is because everything I read also said that usually he will whine or cry or do something to let you know he needs to go potty.  He was quiet all night.  I know because my husband wakes up VERY easily.  I, however, could sleep through an earthquake wrapped up in a tornado with a little tsunami on the side.  I am a heavy, heavy sleeper.  I pray this fades when we have a child.

The next day we spent most of it either getting things for our new puppy or cleaning up his pee everywhere in the house.  He went in the kitchen, on my floor mat, in the bathroom on my rug, in the living room, and in the bedroom on my exercise mat.  Saturday was a long day, but after buying him a smaller crate, a soft pillow to sleep on, and figured out a schedule I was beginning to think that we could definitely do this.  Oh, and I settled on a name.  Tumnus (from Narnia, of course).

Sunday, was a great day as far as accidents.  We went to a movie and left him for a little bit . . . he didn't pee in his crate!  There was not one accident in the house all day Sunday.  We talked a little more and came up with a better plan for potty training Tumnus.  We would wake once in the night, let him out to pee, then put him right back in.  Sunday night went great.  He went out and peed and went right back into his cage.  We woke up at 6 and he hadn't gone in his crate all night.  I was excited!  However, I started to realize how I pretty much couldn't let him out of my sight if I didn't want him to pee and I was beginning to become overwhelmed.  "Am I doing anything right?"  "How long will I have to watch his every move?"  "Will he ever get it?!?!"  I broke down.  Meltdown major.  Tears, tears, and more tears.  This is where Kyle is great.  You see, he never gets overwhelmed.  He never gets stressed.  He is crazy rational.  He is pretty much my polar opposite.  I always get overwhelmed.  Always stress.  And I am rarely rational.  He told me that if I was in over my head it was okay.  Maybe I wasn't ready and that we could always give him back.  "Give him back?!" I thought.  "How could I give this little cutie back?!" and "We just spent like two weeks pay on him.  He told me the money doesn't matter, it's not embarrassing, and that the last thing he wants is me to not be okay and be stressed all the time."   I know, ladies, he's pretty great . . . but he's mine.

In the smallest of ways, I just know God has my back.  It's barely March and this week we have had BEAUTIFUL weather.  So, Monday Meltdownday, Kyle came home for lunch and we sat outside.  Outside.  Why hadn't I thought of that?  We have a fenced in yard, chairs to sit outside, and a beautiful day.  Why am I not letting my little Tumnus run around while I relax.  You see outside I can let him be (for the most part) and I don't have to watch him like a hawk.  It was great.

Monday night he did great.  I got up in the night, stumbled my way to his crate, and let him out to go potty.  He went and he hadn't gone in his crate.  We woke up in the morning and he still hadn't gone!  Woo hoo!  He and I rested and watched One Tree Hill together, went outside and played, and then we had lunch with Kyle.   I left for work, Kyle came home, and he hadn't gone in his crate again!  This was all very exciting; however, I woke up this morning to Kyle telling me that he had gone in his crate last night.

Ah!  I feel like we were doing so good and then bam! one step forward, two steps back.  Bummer.  So, needless to say, I'm at this point where I'm wondering how long this "fun stage" will last and when I will be able to just do my thing and let him do his and not worry all the time.

He's as cute as can be and I love him, but man is he work.

If you have any puppy advice, feel free to give it to me.  I'm pretty much clueless, which is as frustrating to me as anything could be.

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