Monday, April 28, 2014

Happy Birthday, My Love

Today is my best friend's birthday.  This is one of my favorite days of the year because I am so very thankful that he was born.  He is 29 today and doesn't look a day over 28.  ;)

My favorite thing about my husband is how much he makes me laugh.

On Sunday I was reminded of just how much fun we have when we are together and a lot of that is because he is constantly making me laugh whether he is making a joke or making fun of something I've done.

I am so very glad that 29 years ago God placed him in this world because I can't imagine my world without him.

He is

and most of all, he is the man of God I always prayed for.

He challenges me to be the best version of myself.  He is not afraid to tell me when he thinks that I am not living up to my potential.  He checks me and allows me to check him too.  He challenges me to go outside of my box because he always wants people to see the me that he sees.  He has made my confidence sky rocket and continues to lift me up always.  He prays for me, for us, and for others.  He is the head of the household that I always wanted.  He has put in many hours to get to where he is today and I am enjoying getting to see him helping other people feel better and do what he has worked so hard to do.

He is handsome and I am so proud of the man he is and has shaped himself to be.  I say shaped himself because more than anyone I know, he is constantly looking inward and trying to better himself.  He is very critical of himself and holds himself to a higher standard.  He has made me more aware of self reflection and how to be aware of my faults, but also my strengths.  He completes me.

My favorite thing about him is that he realizes that nothing in this world is about him.  He reminds me often that it's not about us; it's about God and about His plan.  This has really helped me in the last year or so when I want to get down about certain circumstances.

The most recent thing I have discovered that I love about him is the way he is with my Grandma.  It takes a pretty special guy to offer to grandmasit, take her on rides, sit with her and talk to her, and to always try to make her laugh.  He is so good with her and I thank God that I married such a kind and sweet man.

I see the love of Jesus in him and through him every day.

Happy Birthday, my love.  You are my best friend and I love doing this thing called life with you.



Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hang In There

Do you ever hear a song that just immediately makes you feel like you can get over whatever mountain is currently standing in your way?  I do, and I play the heck out of the song.  This is just one reason I love music.  It's inspiring and healing.  Sometimes all you need is a good chorus to pull you out of your current funk. It helps when the words you need to hear are sung with a voice like an angel.

I have two songs currently on repeat right now.  They have very similar messages:  Overcoming the trouble you are in at the moment and allowing yourself to rely on someone else for a little while.  I have realized more in these last four months just how much I really need God and how much I really need the people that He has placed in my life.

The first song is "I Won't Let You Go" by James Morrison.  His voice is so amazing that he could literally be singing about ketchup and I would think it is inspiring. I love all of the words but there are a few parts that are definitely my favorite:

When it's black
Take a little time to hold yourself.
Take a little time to feel around before it's gone.

If there's love just feel it.
And if there's life, well see it 
This is not time to be alone, alone yeah.
I won't let you go.

Say those words 
Say those words like there's nothing else
Close your eyes and you might believe
That there is some way out

Open up 
Open up your heart to me now
Let it all come pouring out
There's nothing I can't take. 

It's my favorite thing when a "secular" song speaks to me about my relationship with Christ.  When I listen to "I Won't Let You Go" I am constantly reminded of how He won't let us go and how He longs to be the one to take on all of our burdens whether it's our job, a printer malfunctioning, a relationship failing, or a death in the family.  He just wants us to open up to Him and give Him our heart.  We are the ones that let go, not Him. 

The other song that has been on repeat is actually one of those rare Christian radio songs that I enjoy.  I heard it yesterday after a pleasing day at work.  I had a  t e r r i b l e  work week last week and so after my pleasant day this song just really spoke to me.  It is called "Rise" by Shawn McDonald and here are a few of my favorite lines:

Yes I will rise
Out of these ashes rise
From this trouble I have found 
And this rubble on the ground
I will rise
Cause He who is in me
Is greater than I will ever be
And I will rise

Well I keep on coming to this place 
That I don't know quite how to face
So I lay down my life in hopes to die
That somehow I might rise

This song reminds me that sometimes the troubles we face are often just stepping stones to a bigger and better picture that God has in mind.  The words in this song make me think of a passage in Romans Chapter 8 which says, "But you are not in the flesh; you are in the Spirit, since the Spirit of God dwells in you.  Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.  But if Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness.  If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also through his Spirit that dwells in you.  So then, brothers and sisters, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh--for if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.  For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God."  (Romans 8:9-14)

Hang in there; whatever you are going through.  

Here are the videos if you would like to give them a listen.




Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Cold Stone Therapy

This blog is for all the migraine sufferers out there.  I feel your pain and want to share my experience with a treatment that was brand new to me today.

My friend Brianna sent me a gift card to a spa here in Norman for my birthday and I was way overdo for some pampering, so I immediately looked them up online to see what services they offered.  I was looking at the massages and then came across, "30 Minute Cold Stone Migraine Therapy."  Of course, I had to find out what this was all about so I read the description: 

"Specifically designed cold marble stones area strategically placed on facial accupoints to decrease the pressure of dilated blood vessels.  Headache relief-specific aromatherapy is also used during the session, in which the cold stones, pressure point massage techniques, light stretching, and relaxing ambiance all help prevent, eliminate, or diminish a headache."

I was hooked.  Especially because, sorry boys, I am currently on my period and after I am off of it is when my worst migraines occur.  I called yesterday to make an appointment for today at 1:30 and was so excited to try it out.

I got to the spa and it had the most relaxing ambiance and atmosphere.  The girl at the front desk, who also happened to be the massage therapist that worked on me, had that cult-like calming voice.  She offered me water and then said she was going to go prepare for my treatment.

I walked into the room and it was just so beautiful.  The lights were dim, calming music was playing,  and there were beautiful curtains, pillows, and a comfy looking massage bed in the center of the room.  The masseuse told me to go ahead and get comfortable and she would be back to start the treatment.

The bed was just the most comfortable bed and the blankets felt weighted.  (I've been wanting a weighted blanket for anxiety for a few months now.)  I was relaxed with my eyes shut and the masseuse came back in to start my session. 

You should know that prior to starting this I had a headache coming on and a lot of sinus pressure. Sorry it took so long for me to get to the point of this whole blog, but I had to just give the place kudos for how wonderful it was.

Anyhoo, she began by massaging the crown of my head and then moved to my temples.  After that she rubbed aromatherapy scents on my face in a very methodical way.  It all smelled so delicious, I wanted to buy it for myself and rub it on my face every day.  At this point she put two very cold stones at the back of my neck, one stone on the middle of my forehead, and another on my chin (after many tries to make that one balance).  I wanted to ask her afterward if she has that much trouble with other chins because at one point it fell off of me.  Maybe I have a weird chin.  Who knows? 

While those stones were on my face and at the back of my neck she took a stone in each hand and massaged my temples and the highest points of my cheeks with the stones.  It felt so wonderful.  She switched the stones around a couple times and had them stationary on my cheeks at one point.  That was one of my favorite parts of the whole treatment because I could feel all that pressure I had there diminishing.  She also massaged my neck and shoulders while the stones sat on my face.  She did the scents a couple more times, took the stones off, and then massaged my head once more as she ended the treatment.

It was absolutely the best treatment I have had for my headache and I would recommend it to anyone suffering with migraines.  I felt so much better after I walked out and I texted Kyle to say, "Best.  Thing.  Ever."  I wanted the masseuse to be my new best friend and if I could afford the luxury, I would have the treatment done monthly. 

I hope all the migraine sufferers out there have one less migraine than the month before and I hope if you try this out you let me know how it goes.

