Friday, June 3, 2011

Wedding/Honeymoon Part One

Lately, I have stumbled across some of my FB friends blogs and have been inspired to blog myself.  Honestly, I don't care who you are, I like reading people's stories and thoughts.  I think it's great.  I don't really feel like I have anything spectacular to offer, but I miss writing in a blog.  So, here goes.

It has been a month (and four days) that Kyle and I have been married and I couldn't be happier.  Marriage is so incredibly special because you get to have your best friend around at all times.  We had such an amazing little mini honeymoon on the way back up to St. Louis. 
The morning after the wedding we went downstairs (kind of awkward I must say) to my Grandma's 90th surprise birthday party that we had planned for her.  Well, nobody told us when her birthday party was, so we were late.  Needless to say, that made it even weirder because we walked in and people have that look on their face and you are kind of like, "grow up." Ha.  So Kyle and I sat down to have breakfast and we sat with my family from College Station and one of them noticed that Kyle wasn't wearing his ring.  He felt bad, then looked over at me and I had forgotten mine too.  No joke, every time on the honeymoon that one of us wasn't wearing our ring, the other one had forgotten too.
Later, we got in the car and headed to Santa Fe.  I hadn't checked the weather for the weekend and it turned really cold really fast.  All I had were a pair of jeans and some cowboy boots (intended for a cute dress) and I borrowed one of Kyle's three-quarter shirts.  I looked so incredibly dumb.  I looked like a cowgirl and not a cute one either.  But anyhoo, we checked into the La Quinta in Santa Fe and then headed to Maria's for lunch.  If you haven't had Maria's, you should go because their chile rellenos are so so so yummy.  Kyle tries the rellenos at every new mexican restaurant we go to (we've been to many) and those are his favorite, until proved otherwise.  Then we headed down to the plaza, but stopped short of it to go into a bookstore where we purchased a pretty cool Billy the Kid book and an anatomy book that is pretty sweet too.  It was so cold that we opted to skip the plaza, since we had done that and it was a Sunday, and we headed back to the room.  I'm pretty sure I took a really long nap because if you have ever planned a wedding or been the bride, you know that you are exhausted after it is all over.  Kyle had seen a restaurant in Santa Fe on Diner's, Drive-in's, and Dive's on The Food Network and he wanted to try it out so we headed over there.  It's called Zia Diner.  I'm pretty sure, he didn't really like his all that much.  And I don't remember why, but he likes to try all those places out if we can so we can check that one off of our list.
The next morning we got up SUPER early to head back to Carlsbad where we had to cash some checks, rent a u-haul, pack the u-haul, shower, and get ready for Reception #2.  We got it all done and the church his mom works for had paid for us to stay at the Trinity Hotel, which was pretty nice.  The Trinity is an old bank in Carlsbad that has been remodeled into a restaurant and hotel.  We stayed in The Safe Room, which has the old safe still in it.  They have a couch and and a TV in that room.  The bed was huge.  There was a jacuzzi in the room, which I thought was so cool.  The bathroom was also lovely.  We thought it couldn't get better.  We got ready and headed over to the reception and were showered with way too many gifts and we said our goodbyes to some of our friends and family then we headed back to The Trinity.

My computer lost everything I wrote, so I'm doing this in parts.  I will stick to it because I enjoy it and I need something that is for me.

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