Sunday, June 16, 2013

Things I've Picked Up From Dear Old Dad

In a lot of ways, I am like my mom and I think that because I am a girl people automatically assume that I am like her 100% of the ways.  That is not completely true because there are parts of me that I have most definitely picked up from my dad.

1.  Being a Ham - If you know my dad, you know his name is Boz (Bows) and if you know him pretty well then you know that this name is really just a nickname that he got from his father.  Boz is short for Bozo, which is what my papaw called my dad because he was a clown.  I too am a clown.  I love to ham it up and I always have; especially with my dad or in front of a camera.

2.  Storytelling - I think my dad is a really great story teller and I like to say that I am too (even if it's not true).

3.  Toes - This may seem silly, but we have the same toes.  Throughout my life people have made comments about my toes and it wasn't until college when I realized that I have my dad's toes.  I have always liked my goofy toes, but when I realized they were my dad's toes I loved them even more.  (My brother has the same toes too.)

4.  Bedtime/Risetime - Until recently, my dad went to sleep early, like really early.  My mom is a night owl and would stay up past him.  I don't know if he still does but for most of my life he woke up at 4:44 a.m. every morning to go to work for a few hours before coming back for breakfast.  He has somewhat changed in that he will allow himself to stay up later if people are over or on vacation and he will try to sleep in on the weekends but his sleeping in really doesn't mean what it does to other people.  I am more like my dad in these ways because I will allow myself to stay up late, but "if I had my druthers" I would go to bed between 9:00 and 10:00 every night.  I also want to wake up earlier.  I don't want to stay in bed, but sometimes I do.  In college, my entire sophomore year I went to sleep at 9:30 and woke up at 5:00 every morning (even on weekends).  It was the healthiest year of college I had.  I was never behind on anything, I had so much time to complete everything I wanted to, and I felt good every day.

5.  Fair Complexion:  My mom goes out in the sun and comes back in 8 shades darker.  My dad and I are more fair skinned with rosy cheeks and sunburn easily.  I always know just how white I am when my dad is darker and says, "You need some sun, little girl.  You look like a ghost."  That's saying something coming from him.

I'm sure there are many more ways that I am like my dad, but these are just the few that come to mind.  I'm also sure that I will notice more and more similarities the older I get, just like I have about my mom.  I like that I am like my dad in certain ways because I think he is a pretty cool guy.  He is a goof.  He loves to have a good time.  He loves the Lord and shows it probably more than anyone I know.  He is disciplined.  He is kind.  He is a wonderful provider.

He has given me, my mom, and my brother just about everything you could ask for and one thing I am most thankful of is the trips he took us on.  Those trips are some of my fondest memories: From California to New York; we've been everywhere and we had so much fun.

He modeled what a husband and father should be and I am so thankful for that.  I love him very much and can't imagine life without him.

Love you, Daddy.



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