Saturday, August 10, 2013

Looking Forward

I have always been the type to have countdowns to things/days I'm looking forward to and it's seems as though, right now, I'm doing that more than ever.  There are so many things coming up in the next few months that I am looking forward to.  Some of them are so small and insignificant but in my world they matter.

In 11 days, the kids I nanny go back to school.  I love, love, love them; but, I also love a schedule.  I am looking forward to having a set schedule again so that I can plan more.  I'm an obsessive planner.  I'm also just excited for the littlest one to start Kindergarten because she is SO excited. 

In 13 days, I have a hair appointment.  This will be my first haircut in like 258 days . . . seriously.  It's been since December of 2012.  I have saved quite a bit of money by not cutting it, but it's time.  I'm so excited too because I just love a good haircut.

In 17 days, Kyle and I fly to ABQ to then head over to Santa Fe so that Kyle can meet a doctor there.  I'm excited to be back in Northern New Mexico, if even for just a brief time. 

In 26 days, we are headed to Norman, OK for some more chiropractic networking and of course, a game.  Kyle is going to show me around Norman more, as that is one place he would like to end up.  I've seen Norman, but mainly just football stuff so I'm looking forward to seeing more of the town and other towns in the area. 

In a number of days, unknown to me, Kyle will have job, we will know where we are moving to, and we will begin looking for a place to live.  I'm very excited about this new chapter in our lives and the things that God has in store.  I've have been prematurely just looking at option of housing in the places that we think it would be nice to live in and I have found some pretty cool looking places.  I'm so very excited but I will miss our little trailer so much.

We will be putting our trailer up for sale in the next month or so and that is very exciting and also very sad for me.  This place holds so many very special memories that even while I am writing this my eyes are welling up with tears.  These memories, such as unpacking all of our wedding stuff, hosting our first Thanksgiving for my family, and bringing home our first puppy, all hold such a dear place in my heart.  We have had so many firsts in this home and it has really become my place of comfort.  After getting off of work or being away from home for a period of time I can't imagine anywhere I would rather be than in my tiny little trailer with my tiny little family. 

I'm very excited for what God has in store.  I am excited to see Kyle settle into his career.  I am excited to be in a new place.  I am excited to hopefully find my niche. I am excited to make new friends (while still missing the old.)  I am excited to hopefully be closer to family.  I am excited for the prospect of children someday.  I am just really excited as it is seriously going to all be happening very soon.

Kyle is graduating December 21st.  My family and his family will be coming up before that day to help us pack everything up and after he graduates we are off to Carlsbad for Christmas and then to that unknown city to start our next chapter.  St. Louis will always hold a special place in my heart because of the people I have met, the relationships that have formed, and the memories that I've shared with the people here. 



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