Thursday, February 27, 2014


My 92, almost 93, year old Grandma has dementia.  At times it can be very frustrating.  For instance, she asks the same thing over and over.  She often doesn't remember that she has just done something five minutes ago.  She wants to argue that she knows she has had a ruler on her little table and cannot understand that I would know if she did or not. 

While it can be very frustrating and trying, it can also be a beautiful thing.  She is now at the point where she doesn't realize she doesn't know as much, which can be a good thing.  It's very frustrating to realize you are forgetful and that you don't know as much as you once did.  It is a wonderful thing to see what she does remember, because it gives you a glimpse into what is most important to her: family.  She always remembers that her daddy called her "Sister Sue" and that is just about the sweetest thing I've ever heard.  When I'm old and gray and someone asks me if I had any nicknames growing up I hope I say, "My daddy always called me Mutt."

When we were home over the break we had a lot of time to spend with Grandma.  She wasn't quite sure what to think of our dog, Tumnus.  She would say, "Come 'ere!" and then tell him to "Get down" when he would come up to her chair.  One night while we were just sitting around in my parents' living room I told her that the puppy would sit on her lap if she would let him.  Her eyes lit up and she said, "He would?" 

I put him on her lap, with his favorite blanket of mine, and what followed will forever be one of my most precious memories of my grandma.

She has never been a singer and as best as I can remember, I've never heard her sing until that night.  My brother, mom, and my dad could not really remember her ever singing before either.  Without dementia, I don't know if I would have ever got to hear my grandma sing the sweetest little lullaby to my puppy.

I have finally uploaded the video to YouTube today to hopefully brighten someone's day.  It sure brightens mine.  It's rather long, a little over ten minutes, but if you have time to watch it you will understand why my brother and I love this woman so much. 

If you don't have ten minutes in your day, you are a terrible person.  Not really, but if you don't then here are a few of my favorite parts.


If you have a grandma nearby, hug her.
If my grandma is near you, definitely hug her for me.



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