Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Beautiful Things

If we talk to you on the reg, then you already know this but if you are #KUWTG via this blog then this will be news to you:  Last Wednesday, we got the news that our request for a loan was denied.  Have you ever applied for a loan and been denied?  If so, my heart goes out to you because it kind of takes the wind out of your sails.  There was a point where I felt like I was going to throw up and cry at the same time.

Basically, we don't have any immediate cash flow coming in or any real collateral, so they think we are too much of a risk.  thanksalotweknewthatbackindecemberwhenwefirstcametoyoubutyoustrungusalongfornearlyfourmonths

So, anyways, here we are again:  BACK AT SQUARE ONE.  I don't know where that saying comes from but I like to imagine the game of hopscotch and how reaching the number ten is WAY more fun then the beginning, square one.  (The whole game is kind of boring, but you know 10 is better than 1).

HOWEVER, we are hopeful.  Truly all we have is hope and trust in the Lord and that is all we need.  Kyle is searching for an associateship somewhere in OKC and the surrounding areas as we are very fond of Norman and already feel that we have made leaps and bounds as far as getting ourselves out there.  He has a meeting with a doctor tomorrow about a position.  We are trusting that God has His hand in everything and that there is a reason that we did not get the loan.  It is a bummer, but I know without a doubt that it is according to His plan.

My bosses at my current job were really great when I told them about the loan and they have said they will try to get me more cleaning jobs. So, for the time being, I'm good with where I am at.  I get paid more than minimum wage, I have flexible hours, and I get to just listen to music and do my thing without someone over my shoulder; so I choose to be happy with where I am.  (Hours permitting)

We will begin saving up money for the future so that when we try this again, we will be able to offer more to the table.

I was listening to a song today by Gungor called Beautiful Things and God really spoke to me about our current state.  In the song it says, "All around, hope is springing up from this old ground.  Out of chaos life is being found in You.  You make beautiful things, you make beautiful things out of the dust.  You make beautiful things, you make beautiful things out of us." We might not have much, just a little figurative dust, but He makes beautiful things and that is what I have to stay focused on.



I covered the song today if you'd like to take a listen or you can always listen to the original peeps.

Just click the link below:


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