Monday, November 14, 2011


We gotta make a change...
It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.
Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live
and let's change the way we treat each other.
You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do
what we gotta do, to survive. - Tupac

I'm kind of excited for this new day.
I'm making changes.
First change:  Wake up at 6 with my husband and make him breakfast.
I decided yesterday that I was going to do this and he didn't think I would.
He told me he wasn't going to wake me up when he got up, so I set my own alarm.
He gets up at 6 and I set mine for 6:05.
I heard his alarm (not that I needed to because he pretty much crushed me trying to reach his phone on the table beside me) but I dozed a little.
At 6:04 I heard him pouring cereal.
I stumbled out of bed and waved at him from the hallway shouting, "Don't pour the milk!"
At this point I lost my balance and fell against the way.
I'm a stumbler in the morning.
I've never been drunk before, but I assume the way I walk in the morning would be how I walk as a drunk.
He asks, "why?" and I reply, "I'm making you breakfast."
Classic Kyle says, "You can't even stand up."
All in all, the first morning was a success.
I made him a waffle with crunchy peanut butter.
Once I'm up, I'm pretty much going so I washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen.
Then I started making the bed, which brings me to the next change: Keep the house clean.

This involves me making my bed every morning, which I'm halfway done with.
Kyle interrupted me and wanted to cuddle for a couple minutes before he left for school, so how could I resist that?
I will also be putting things away after I use them.
Seems simple enough, right?
I tell the children I nanny to do this and I think to myself, "If only you did that in your own home."
So, I'm going to do that.
I've already done pretty good this morning with the whole kitchen thing and the bed.
Next thing, keep up with the laundry.
As of yesterday I am caught up so fingers crossed I can lock that one down.
The next thing would be to maintain a clean home, which pretty much means if I can keep the clutter gone all I need to do is dust and vacuum here and there during the week.
I WILL keep a clean home.
I will.

Next change:  Change my eating and physical lifestyle.
I'm good so far today.
I had wheat toast with some cottage cheese.
Yay me . . . now it's just the rest of the day I have to deal with.
On the agenda today is some cardio before work and maybe some boxing later after work.
As long as I get that cardio in, I'm happy.
I got a new game for our XBox Kinect called Your Shape and it's pretty cool.
You can do one-on-one training with an avatar type trainer.
It's a little creepy because when it scanned my body I showed up on screen, like skin color and everything.
I feel like someone somewhere is secretly watching me make a fool of myself, but oh well, if being a fool for someone gets me into shape then I'm happy.
Part of this change will be more vegetables.
It won't be hard to eat them, because I really like veggies.
I like carrots, squash, asparagus, broccoli, etc. but I've found it's a little bit of a hassle to keep them around.
You have to go to the store more for fruit and veggies.
Take peanut butter, for example, you can buy like ten of those at a time and you're good for a while.
You buy ten squash and you will have to eat squash day in and day out to eat it before it goes bad.
But, it's worth it.
I hoping now that Kyle got me an intern at his school to see and now that he himself can do some cervical adjustments, I will be able to be more active.
My neck has been in a lot of pain the past month.
Jogging hurts it pretty bad and lifting isn't the greatest for it either.
Kyle has been providing some relief lately by adjusting my lower cervicals (C4 and down).
The only thing he can't do is my C2 and C3, which are fused.
This just means they've grown together, basically.
He also can't do the one above (C1, which is right there at the base of my head) because he hasn't learned upper cervicals yet, but that's what the intern is for.
I'm really believing that once I can get that adjusted, I will get some major relief.

I like change.
I like structure.
I like working towards something and today is the start of that.

I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive.
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise.
To fly. - Nicki Minaj

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