Saturday, December 10, 2011

Silent Night

I find Silent Night a very fitting title for this blog tonight.  It's almost 11 in St. Louis and I am alone (taking a break) cleaning the house.  I decided to take a break and write for a little while.  Side note, I think I am allergic to the cleaners I use.

Today was quite uneventful, but lovely.  It was a beautiful day here in Chesterfield, MO.  I'm sad to say I didn't get out and enjoy it (other than shopping).  I decided to go out and tackle the last of the shopping I need to get done before Kyle and I go home.  Since it is nearly the 11th I am going to say that we will be home in 12 days!!!!!!!  I cannot wait to be home.

I love when I go shopping and find good deals and today was a good-deal-day.  I'm so excited for Christmas just to see the people I bought for enjoy my good deals!  I wrapped about 20 gifts today and they are under the tree.  Well, since my tree is about 2 ft tall (literally) some of them are standing next to the tree and by some of them I mean most but I LOVE IT.  I will always remember our first little tree.

I'm a little wary of taking some of these gifts on the plane, but I've got no other way.

I have 9 days of work before I go home and while some of the last weeks have been a challenge, I am so incredibly thankful for my job and the time it gives me with Kyle and for myself.

I have been working out a lot more lately which is so good for me and I have tried not to get bored with it.  I found a Zumba workout online that is a lot of fun.  If you know anything about me, it is that I am bored very easily (hence the break from cleaning) and I need my workouts to be fresh.

I am so excited for this break from work and the time we will get to spend at home.  Oh, and of course that fact that we have a very special wedding to go to.  Weddings are so much more fun to go to when you know first hand what a blessing marriage is.  I will admit that when I went to them as a single gal, I was jealous and when I went as an engaged gal; I was critiquing them.  But, now as a married gal, I don't critique because I know just how difficult weddings are to pull off and all I can think is, they are in for so much fun.

I am also excited to see my Grandma.  I think I went into a little bit of depression when she left at Thanksgiving.  She is definitely not a spring chicken anymore so my time with her is priceless.  It was sad to see that she is a little more and more forgetful each time I see her.  I think the saddest part about it is that she will say something, see my face, and know that she doesn't quite have it right.  It's easier when grandparents don't know they are confused.  I can remember my granny telling me stories about her roommate in the nursing home sneaking under my granny's bed at night and the fact that she could beat up the male nurse that took care of her (my granny).  At that point, it doesn't help anything to tell them that no one was under their bed or that they couldn't possible beat up a man; so, you go along with it.  My grandma is not at that point yet, and I hope she never gets there, but it is also sad to see her realize she is forgetting things.  Not only is she just the cutest thing on the planet, she is pretty much the funniest person I know (minus my husband.)  Sometimes Kyle tells me I act like her and I couldn't think of a better compliment.

I suppose I should get back to cleaning.  I will finish the living room and kitchen and get the rest tomorrow as I am fading fast.

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