Friday, February 3, 2012

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Annoying

One of the perks of my new job is free time and more specifically, free time to read.  The book I finished last night is Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer.  If you've watched TV at all recently you've seen the previews for it:  Sandra Bullock, Tom Hanks, 9/11, etc.  So basically it's about a boy who has lost his father in the terrorist attack on 9/11.  

The child's voice in the previews was extremely annoying to me, but I wanted to see the movie anyway.  However, I really like to read the book before I see the movie.  Side note:  The book is ALWAYS better.  

I had a lot of mixed feelings about this book when I finished it last night.  The kid is EXTREMELY ANNOYING in the book.  He talks 90 mph and is really matter of fact.  Once I got over that I was incredibly interested in getting to the end of the book.  I really like the way the author wrote this book.  He uses three character's perspectives and intermingles their stories.  

The other cool thing about this book is how you feel like you are a part of the story at times because of the way the book is put together.  The child is always inventing things in his mind and I've got to say he (the author) has some really good ideas.  For instance, a hole in mattresses for your arm to be in when you lay on your side.  Best. Idea. Ever.  I really think that would be useful because my arm gets sore after laying on it so much.

I liked the book but when I finished I kind of thought, "That's it?"  It left me with so many questions.  It was an okay ending but I felt like I was missing out on a lot of stuff.  The sensie (Scrubs reference) in me was hoping for a major twist in the story or to find out that the dad really didn't die.  Those things did not really happen for me, but a good read nonetheless and a very easy read.

After seeing the movie The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, I've decided to read that series (The Millennium Series) partially because Kyle is dying to know what happens next.  They are SUPER long though so I'm kind of dreading it a little bit.  

Before I start though I am going to read a little feel good, easy read:  Winnie the Pooh.  I've never read the book and I absolutely love Winnie the Pooh (classical).  If I have a little girl, her room will be all Classical Pooh decor.  

Eeyore was saying to himself, "This writing business. Pencils and what-not. Over-rated, if you ask me. Silly stuff. Nothing in it.

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