Thursday, October 17, 2013


A few weeks ago my pastor asked us to turn to those around us and say what we are most looking forward to when we get to Heaven. Had he asked this years ago, my answer would have been "My Papaw and my Granddad."  That was always my answer because I never got to meet them and I know I would have loved them so very much.  However, when my pastor asked that question that day my eyes welled up and all I could think was, "I'm so excited to see Jesus." 

Even as I'm typing this my eyes are filling with tears because I cannot even imagine what it will be like to finally see Jesus, but I just know it will be the most amazing thing.  Heaven is a really overwhelming thought because no one knows what it will be like.  Most of the places I have been to have been great, but I knew what to expect.  I've either known someone who has been there, seen a picture on the internet, or seen something in a movie. 

I cannot even pretend to try and create in my mind what heaven will be like but I look forward to it so much. Sometimes, I think it will be like Ender's Game when Ender is on the ship and has to reorient himself to a new way of thinking about what is actually up and what is down. 

It's been weeks since the question was asked, but I thought about it again as I was playing Joan Osbourne's "One of Us" this morning.  In it she says, "If God had a face, what would it look like and would you want to see?"  I thought about that as I was playing and singing and I got really excited that someday I will get to meet Him face to face. 

It's strange because usually when I'm reading a book and getting to know the characters in the book, their faces and bodies begin to come to life.  I create in my mind these people that I've never met and they look nothing like anyone I know.  However, I have never put a face to Jesus.  When I picture him in my mind, a person does not even appear.  What I see is a little shack on a beach, standing tall amidst the biggest storm.  I've thought about it before and I think the image appears because He is my strength.  I am the shack; weak and ill-equipped to get through the storm, but He is bigger than the storm surrounding my shack and somehow keeping me all in one piece.  He is my security.  He is my fortress.  He is constant.  He is my peace.  Through the storm, it's with His help that I'm still standing.
My thoughts are scattered, but this is all to say, that I find joy in knowing that one day I will get to meet my creator.

What are you most excited about?  No, seriously.  I'd love to know.

In honor of the topic at hand, here is a cover of One of Us.



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