Tuesday, October 1, 2013

40 Facts about Me

Tuesday Morning
October 1st, 2013
Listening to:  My, My Love by Joshua Radin (on repeat)

Just a little bit about me.

1.  I'm 25 but I feel 20 (minus the whole college thing).
2.  I'm 5'7" but there are days when I feel like 5'10".
3.  My eyes are green with some blue at times and always with yellow in the center.
4.  I wish my hair was as dark as it is when it is wet but I don't want to dye it.
5.  Laying with my head on my husband's chest is my favorite place to be.
6.  If I were savvy enough to make a career out of blogging, cupcakes, crafts, or organizing, I would do it in a heartbeat. 
7.  I have serious baby fever.  I think it's because everyone I know is either pregnant or trying.  It could also be that I have just always wanted to be a mom.  It could be that my job is kind of mommish but without all of the mom perks.  It could also be a combination of all three.
8.  My grandma is my favorite person and I cry at least once a week due to her rapid decline in memory.
9.  My grandma gave me a baby blanket that I have slept with 99% of all the nights in my life.  It is so ragged and falling apart that one Christmas my brother gave me the one she gave him. 
10.  I often carry a jacket in my car just to have something to hold onto as kind of a surrogate blanket.  (I hate driving and also my life is overwhelming right now.)
11.  If I'm on a couch with a throw pillow, I will most likely be hugging that pillow.  I like to hug pillows, blankets, and my husband; but, I am not much of a hugger when it comes to other people.  I've always been a "touch-me-not."
12.  I have a slight fear of public restrooms that only have one toilet and the door is miles away from it.  Like, seriously, what would I do if the lock was broken?  I couldn't do anything. 
13. Sometimes Tumnus, my dog, does something so incredibly cute that I can't believe how much love I have for him.  Cuddling with him is one of my favorite things in the entire world.  This also scares me to have children because if I can love a dog that much, how much more will I love my own child?!
14.  I would get married again every day if I could.  It was the best day and I felt so pretty in my dress.
15.  I'm very shy at first, especially in large groups, but I love good conversation once I feel comfortable with you. 
16.  I hate listening to music with people on road trips.  I would rather talk or read a book in silence. 
17.  Driving long distances at any time of day makes me incredibly tired.
18.  I'm scared of having a middle schooler.  I hated middle school and felt so awkward all the time and I never want my kids to go through that but I know it's inevitable.
19.  I don't want to give up my NM license plate or drivers' license. 
20.  If I can't find something I need/want, I will not stop looking until I find it or until I absolutely have to be somewhere else and cannot look anymore.  If I stop because I have to go to work, I think about where it might be all day long.  I think I get that from my grandma.
21.  I'm paranoid when watching children on playgrounds or bleachers.  I'm pretty sure at any moment, one of them will need to go to the E.R. 
22.  I can remember what Kyle was wearing and where we were when I "fell in love."
23.  I love singing so much that sometimes it makes me angry that it's not more a part of my life.  Ellen, are you reading this?  You seem to make people's dreams come true.  I'd just like to be in a folk band or sing with some of my favorite singers.
24.  I cry really hard when a character in one of my favorite shows dies.  I guess it's because I feel that I know them.  I also cry at almost any proposal.
25.  My favorite candy is Airheads.  I don't know what that says about me.
26.  I will never understand the appeal of beer or really any drink that you "get used to."
27. I love Christmas.  It is my favorite holiday because of the songs, decor, anticipation, and all the different traditions. 
28.  I wish I still danced. (I'm not counting dancing by myself in my room.)
29.  In our next place, I'd like a room big enough where I can walk around both sides of our bed.  It's too much work to make the bed when it's against a wall and I love making my bed.
30.  One day I want a backyard and a doggy door for Tumnus to just do as he pleases.
31.  I'm a sucker for most Real Housewives Shows.  I'm fascinated at how they all get divorced and end up with an alcoholic beverage or song of their own.
32.  I wish I was friends with Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, and Monica in real life.  I wish I was the 7th "Friend."
33.  I love traveling.  (I just don't really have the means right now to do it.)  But when I do, I want to go to Scotland, Ireland, France, Italy, Greece, and states in America that I haven't been to.
34.  I have been to 13 Major League Baseball Stadiums.  I hope to go to all of them.
35.  I love receiving and sending mail.
36.  I know shockingly little about what is going on in the world.
37.  I have NO interest in anything political.  Never have.  Never will.
38.  I think insurance is a crock.  I pay so much a month and don't feel I get anything out of it.
39.  I love a good cry if I'm overwhelmed or stressed.  It calms me down.
40.  Target is one of my favorite stores.

That is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to who I am but I thought I would share it with you, whoever you are.



1 comment:

  1. This is a cool post! I love keeping up with you through your blog. It seems like we have a lot in common...except #16. If there ever were a circumstance where we somehow ended up going on a road trip to a MLB park in a state to which you've never travelled, I'd rock some headphones. :)
