Monday, March 31, 2014

Working Out

Yesterday, I did a little researching online for a new workout program that I could do at the gym.  I like having plans--goals to accomplish. I was on the Women's Health website, came across a 12 month transformation program from trainer Chris Powell (Extreme Weight Loss on ABC), and thought I would give it a shot.  Each month is designed to target something different.  Month one is 2-3 days of cardio intervals and 3 days of a strength training routine and is intended to build muscle and nail proper exercise form.  

I read the article, downloaded the guide, and watched the video on how to do the strength training exercises.  I decided to start with a cardio day which means doing cardio intervals.  You can walk, run, swim, or bike. The interval workout instructed to warm up for five minutes and then increase your effort using a scale of 1 to 10. You do three minutes at level 5, two minutes at level 7, and one minute at level 9 (this should be near your all-out max) and that equals one complete circuit.  Then you repeat the circuit 4 more times for a total of 5.  The levels are based on what you are capable of personally.  So, my level 5 is going to be different than Kyle's level 5 and his level 5 would be different than the guy next to him.

We got to the gym and I was determined to give it my best.  I did the five minute warm up by walking on the treadmill, then I went to a jog for 3 minutes, a faster jog for 2, and an even faster jog for 1 minute.   I was only able to complete 2 circuits at that level.  Isn't it funny how fast those five warm up minutes go by and how slow that one minute of pushing yourself drags on?

I decided to finish out the workout though and just change up my levels.  I think I was a little too ambitious straight out of the gate, especially since I have not been using the treadmill at all for my cardio.  For the last three circuits I did a fast walk for 3 minutes, a faster walk for 2 minutes, and then a jog for 1 minute.  I was just glad I completed it, regardless of having to tone it down a little.  I was sweating by the end of the 35 minutes, which for me is a good sign of pushing myself.  I rarely sweat when working out.  It takes a lot for me to sweat.  My legs were more sore today from the cardio yesterday than they have been when I have done leg days at the gym.

Today will be the strength training day and I am excited to do something new but also to be doing something that takes me out of my comfort zone.  If I could have my way, I would have my own home gym with all the works so I could workout in private, but I am not a millionaire.  One of the things I am trying to work on in my 26th year of life is bringing myself outside of my comfort zone.  Some of these exercises involve looking a little silly, in my opinion, so I'm nervous and excited to try them out. 

One thing that attracted me to this workout plan is the time it takes to complete it.  It should only take about 30-35 minutes to do the cardio or the strength training.  I also like that when you do the strength training exercises you don't rest in between them.  I get so antsy and bored when I have to wait around.  I'm the type where I would rather work really hard for 30 minutes than take my time for an hour.  I like to be in and out.  I also like the fact that the workout is intended for people who are really in shape, kind of in shape, getting in shape, and people who are completely out of shape.  It's up to you to put in your best effort.

I should also mention that Kyle and I have been trying out intermittent fasting.  This means we eat only between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.  8 hours of eating and 16 hours of fasting or as most people call it, 8-16's.  It's kind of amazing how fast I have adjusted to this as far as being hungry.  I am not hungry before ten or after six like I thought I would be (except on my period-I am hungry all the time).  The one thing that bothers me about doing an 8-16 is having to fit the eating within that small window.  For instance, I needed to run some errands on Saturday and when I set out to do them I realized that I would not be back home in time to eat before 6 if I were to do all of my errands. 10:00 in the morning is usually not a problem, but sometimes it's tricky to plan around having to eat before 6:00.  Other than that, it has not been very difficult at all.

I am excited to try this out and I am dreading month two already because of some of the strength exercises.  Doing mountain climbers and medicine ball slams in front of strangers is frightening to me, but I can do it!

If you are interested at all in this training plan you can check out all of the months here:

If you want to download the monthly guides, you have to register on the website but it's free.

I hope whatever you are doing for your workouts is going splendidly!

Enjoy these gym memes as a thank you for reading my babble.



Thursday, March 27, 2014


Today is my 26th birthday.
I honestly don't feel 26.
I think I will forever feel 22 (minus the fact that I get sleepy around 9 p.m.)
I can without a doubt say that my 26th year will by far be the most difficult year so far.
But, it will also without a doubt be a year that I grow leaps and bounds in my relationship with Christ.

I decided to come up with a list of 26 things I wish for in my 26th year of life.

1.  Grow in my relationship with Christ.
2.  Continue learning how to be the best wife for Kyle.
3.  Write more cards to random people.
4.  Sing more - maybe even in public.
5.  Get in better shape.
6.  Explore more.
7.  Be more outgoing.
8.  Challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone.
9.  Try new things.
10.  Save money to do a little traveling.
11.  Volunteer somewhere.
12.  Learn how to do my hair in a wavy way that I love on other people.
13.  Keep my house clean.
14.  Brush up on French.
15.  Write one song.
16.  Work on being more selfless.
17.  Journal more.
18.  Have more confidence.
19.  Go to New Mexico more.
20.  Read more in my down time.
21.  Craft more (once money is not an issue).
22.  Love more.
23.  Learn more about my family's history.
24.  Take more pictures, print more pictures, and have more photo albums.
25.  Stay organized.
26.  Laugh, a lot.

I was reminiscing and looking through some of my past birthday photos on Facebook and came across these.

I am pretty sure this was one of my birthdays.  He gave the best hugs.

20th Birthday.  Miss these girls.  All wonderful in so many ways.
21st Birthday.  The only picture from that day.  And that necklace fell of at UNM.  :(
22nd Birthday.  In Carlsbad.  Last Birthday in Mountain Shadow Home.

23rd Birthday.  In Carlsbad.  Mickey Mouse Tank.  Toned Arms.  Come back 23 year old physique.

25th Birthday.  Chesterfield, Missouri.  Miss that trailer.  Love this handsome guy with me.
26th Birthday.  OKC ZOO.  My love, me, and an elephant named Rex.



Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Beautiful Things

If we talk to you on the reg, then you already know this but if you are #KUWTG via this blog then this will be news to you:  Last Wednesday, we got the news that our request for a loan was denied.  Have you ever applied for a loan and been denied?  If so, my heart goes out to you because it kind of takes the wind out of your sails.  There was a point where I felt like I was going to throw up and cry at the same time.

Basically, we don't have any immediate cash flow coming in or any real collateral, so they think we are too much of a risk.  thanksalotweknewthatbackindecemberwhenwefirstcametoyoubutyoustrungusalongfornearlyfourmonths

So, anyways, here we are again:  BACK AT SQUARE ONE.  I don't know where that saying comes from but I like to imagine the game of hopscotch and how reaching the number ten is WAY more fun then the beginning, square one.  (The whole game is kind of boring, but you know 10 is better than 1).

HOWEVER, we are hopeful.  Truly all we have is hope and trust in the Lord and that is all we need.  Kyle is searching for an associateship somewhere in OKC and the surrounding areas as we are very fond of Norman and already feel that we have made leaps and bounds as far as getting ourselves out there.  He has a meeting with a doctor tomorrow about a position.  We are trusting that God has His hand in everything and that there is a reason that we did not get the loan.  It is a bummer, but I know without a doubt that it is according to His plan.

My bosses at my current job were really great when I told them about the loan and they have said they will try to get me more cleaning jobs. So, for the time being, I'm good with where I am at.  I get paid more than minimum wage, I have flexible hours, and I get to just listen to music and do my thing without someone over my shoulder; so I choose to be happy with where I am.  (Hours permitting)

We will begin saving up money for the future so that when we try this again, we will be able to offer more to the table.

I was listening to a song today by Gungor called Beautiful Things and God really spoke to me about our current state.  In the song it says, "All around, hope is springing up from this old ground.  Out of chaos life is being found in You.  You make beautiful things, you make beautiful things out of the dust.  You make beautiful things, you make beautiful things out of us." We might not have much, just a little figurative dust, but He makes beautiful things and that is what I have to stay focused on.



I covered the song today if you'd like to take a listen or you can always listen to the original peeps.

Just click the link below: