Thursday, November 19, 2009


With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I find myself missing my Granddad and my Granny quite a bit. They both had some very memorable moments at Thanksgiving that are hard to forget.

My Grandad, bless his little heart, was up in years because he was actually my Great-Granddad, and every year we would ask him to pray over the meal. He would get started and often forget that he was praying and would get sidetracked just rambling on. This was always very humorous to our family, and often it was hard not to laugh while he was saying his prayer. He was such a precious man.

My Granny was really weird about the dressing. She, my mom, and my Aunt Caryn always disagreed on how much of everything to put in the dressing. It was really weird the first Thanksgiving after she passed away to watch my mom and Aunt Caryn make the dressing without my granny. She always brought the cornbread and the biscuits for us to squish with our hands.

There was one Thanksgiving and my Granny came in my front door. I was sitting in my living room and she started giggling, she had a great laugh. I asked her what was funny and she told me how she walked into my neighbors' house next door, into the kitchen, and said, "Yall started without me?" The funniest part is that my neighbors were hispanic and their daughter was married to a really tall black guy, so they didn't look like my family at all. They said, "I think you want next door."

She told me not to tell anybody but I thought that it would be a pretty funny story later. So when my Aunt and Uncle came in and announced that they too had gone to the house next door, I just had to tell. I told them how Granny did it too, and we all died laughing. She looked at me, smiling, and said, "Coleigh!" I loved to hear her laugh.

They were some pretty special people.

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