Monday, November 23, 2009

You Have Stolen My Heart

I have already become behind on this new blog. Last week my internet went out at the worst possible time, but everything happens for a reason, right? Yes, it does. Had my internet not went out I would not have discovered the reason for such a slow connection: the modem. The modem was broken the whole time. It also reminded me of how much I have and how sometimes I become dependent upon things that might not be there.

The reality is, even those who might be the closest thing to always being there, cannot possibly always be there. There is only one who is always there. Last night I went to see The Blind Side. It is a very good movie, and it broke my heart.

The truth is, the way other people live is beyond something I am able to perceive or understand. You know when a movie moves you when you are sitting at home an hour after and break down and cry. My heart broke for kids who are born into a world of drugs, alcohol, violence, sexual assault, murder, etc. What choice did these kids have? This movie motivated me to not live beyond my means and to give money that is not a necessity to me, but rather an accessory, and give it to those who need it.

There is a song by Dashboard Confessional that says, "You have stolen my heart" and usually I relate this song to my boyfriend, but thinking about it last night made me think of the kids that grow up in the projects who have stolen my heart. I want to be successful enough to where I can do something for people, to be able to give to those kids who didn't have a choice. I want to be able to provide a choice for them.

Often I dream of being a celebrity, not for the fame and recognition, but for the power to change that is just part of the glamour. Your name gives you the ability to make changes that require status or money. I want the money so I can give it away. It would be amazing to be a celebrity and still live the way I live, that way I could give kids a choice.

Without money, I can't do anything for the children physically, but what I do have is something more valuable than all the money in all the world: Jesus.

Today, I commit myself to praying for those who are less fortunate, for those who have no choice, for those who have no way of getting out.

For the child that was born into a world full of gray, there is color out there, just keep the faith.

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