Monday, March 29, 2010

That Girl/This Girl

I watched a couple home videos when I was home this weekend.  In them my age ranged from 7-9 and watching myself brought back feelings I had from about that age range to 15 years old.  Watching them made me realize that I no matter how old I may be, I will always have this little insecure girl with me.

For some reason, she surfaces after looking at pictures other people take of me.  That little girl who so desires to look a certain way reappears and makes me feel less than I know I truly am.  She says to me, "you have always been this way and you always will be."

Well, I say to her, "our 22nd year will be the year."

That girl is my current motivation to quit saying I wish this and I wish that, and start saying, "I will do this and I will do that."

I want this for me . . . and for that little girl that never did quite fit in.


  1. let your yes's be yes's and your no's be no's!
    love it!
    and... of course couldn't agree more, on that we are always the 'same' no matter what age, and how many times we go through the same things.
    But what is important is to accept that about ourselves, and then get out of our comfort zone.

    At least, this is what I am trying to do right now, accept it and move on to bigger and better things per se.

    This will be your year Nicole!
