Saturday, April 3, 2010

A More Specific and Realistic Focus

Today is a week past my birthday and I would like to think I surpassed my goal. 
My goal was 15 pounds by my birthday, which I did not do. 
But, I have almost lost ten this week to bring my total from when I started to 17.
This has taken a while, but this time I am trying to take it slow and not focus so much on how much I can lose in so little time, but how much I can lose and keep off.

I would like to lose about 12 more, even 17 more, but I am trying to be realistic.  I am trying to focus on my BMI more than anything.  Not on my size and stuff like that, because fashion is fleeting, life shouldn't be.  Yes, I would love to look great in whatever is trendy and cute, but I would rather live longer and look just okay.  I am currently at a 26.  A normal weight BMI for my height would be 18.5 - 24.9.  So I am really close.  Just 8 pounds away from a BMI that is considered normal.  That's really all I want, is to be normal. 

All my life, as long as I can remember having control, I have not been normal.  I have been textbook overweight, and I would love to shake that label.

1 comment:

  1. that is weird to me because i have always thought of myself as overweight... but i never thought of you that way. i obviously would not just say that to say that. i didn't even know that you thought of yourself as such.
