Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sunny Days

It's a wonderful thing, living in NM.
Washington was lovely:  always green.
But even with all the green, there was always gray.
While in itself the green against the gray was gorgeous, it could be rather depressing.
I find myself happier in New Mexico.
I attribute my happiness to the sun.
It is difficult to have a bad day when you look out the window and see the beautiful sunshine.
It is even more difficult to feel down when you walk outside, feel the breeze, and the warmth of the sun shining down on you.
Often I walk the neighborhood, feel the sun on my skin, and believe it's somehow just for me.
It's as if no one else feels it or knows how much it brings me to life.
It took everything within me to get out and walk in Washington, but here, I can't wait to be outside.
I anxiously sit in class, eager to be finally be released into the warm sunshine. 
So even though at times I feel lonely, or anxious to be somewhere else, in some other chapter of life, I am and always will be looking towards the sun.

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