Friday, November 8, 2013

November 6th, 7th, and 8th

Today's blog will have to include Wednesday, Thursday, and today.
Wednesday I got the migraine of a century which spilled over into Thursday.
All I wanted to do Wednesday and Thursday was sleep and cut my head off, so I didn't get around to writing about what I was thankful for.
Although I didn't feel like writing about it, I did think about it very much.

November 6th, 2013
Tuesday night I was laying in bed, almost asleep, and I heard my brother's text ringer and I told Kyle, "I really want to know what that says but my phone is on the charger."  I decided to wait until the morning.  Wednesday morning I woke up and checked my phone for all the missed notifications and read my brother's text.  All it said was, "You're very thoughtful and it's something I wish I was better at.  Just wanted to tell you."

I'm very grateful that I have a brother who is not afraid to lift me up and encourage me.
I really was blessed with the best brother.
Not only has he been a protector for me, he has been someone I look up to.
He always jokes that the first three years of his life were the best because I wasn't around yet, but I know that's not true.
We had the best childhood and we were always best friends.

My brother is genuine, sensitive, creative, and makes friends better than anyone I know.
Seriously, it's the thing about him that I wish I was more like.
I go somewhere new and make friends about a year later, or right when I have to leave.
My brother goes somewhere new and makes friends within like 5 minutes.

He also is really great at keeping in touch with all of his friends.
I am terrible at this.  It's one of my flaws.
I admire the time he puts into keeping in touch with friends.

He is smart.
He is accepting.
He is funny.
He is kind.

I am grateful for my brother.

Christmas - circa 1991

Seattle - March 2009

November 7th, 2013

On Thursday, I was most grateful for Benadryl.  I keep Benadryl in my medicine cabinet for my migraines.  Yes, you read that right.  I know Benadryl is for allergies, but for me it's for migraines.  Benadryl KNOCKS me out.  When I have a migraine all I want is to sleep or for someone to cut my head off.  It is not very rational to have someone cut my head off, so I choose to sleep through it.  That's where the Benadryl comes in.  I am able to take some at noon, sleep until 7, and then go right back to sleep at 9 and sleep another 10 hours.  I know, it's a lame thing to be grateful for, but I don't know what I would do without it.  I might cut my head off. 

P.S. - When I was younger and my family took long road trips my parents Benadryled my brother and I.  We woke up at our destination and my parents didn't have to hear "Are we there yet?" a million times.  It's genius.  We joke about it now.  Don't worry, they were good parents.  I personally liked sleeping until we got there. :)

November 8th, 2013

I am grateful for weekends.  I love having two days off to just recharge and be with my family.  I love not having to be anywhere.  I love having two full days just to ourselves.  I feel bad for people that have to work on the weekends because every week I look forward to Friday so much. 

My third grade teacher used to write T.G.I.F on the white board every Friday.  I always used to think, "Why is she so excited about Friday?"  That was probably because when you are a kid (and a nerd who liked school) Friday was just like any other day.  Now, as an adult, I wish I had a giant white board to write T.G.I.F. on every Friday.  I get it.  Thank God It's Friday!  Seriously, I thank God for Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays.

The weekend has arrived, people.  Take it in.  :)



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