Monday, January 18, 2010


Today was my first full day in Albuquerque.  It was very uneventful, which is not surprising.  I went to get my books, and I only ended up with two.  The others have not been requested.  I had to get a USB Flash Drive for one class and I have to go to one of four people in the Ed. Dept. to download the course folder, which has a million sub-folders. 

I ordered my Nutrisystems meals today and I am very excited to get started.  I am the most unhappy with my appearance than I have ever been and I feel so incredibly uncomfortable in my own skin.  So, this time, I hope this lasts; not for anyone, just for me.  I want to feel comfortable and gorgeous again.  My perception is my reality right now and I am no okay with what I see.  I am really looking forward to seeing some results.

I also have acquired some workout videos, one I bought today for $7.  I got some from my mom's friend.  One I am pretty excited to see because I think it will be really funny.  It's called Sweatin in the Spirit.  I am excited to get into shape and feel good about myself. 

I am apprehensive and excited to start school tomorrow.  I need to remember to just breathe and take it step by step. 


Thank you for wonderful family and friends who care about me and take the time to make me feel special.  Without them, I would be completely lost. 

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