Monday, January 4, 2010

New Beginnings

It's been four days since I tiredly rang in 2010 and I have yet to sit down and make some New Year's Resolutions--this might be slightly due to the fact that I have not once kept a single resolution. This year, I really want to, and I have a vested interest in keeping at least the important ones.


1. Lose 30 pounds, yep 30. This resolution is super important to me. This resolution is serious to me because I want to get in shape and get healthy, for me, and for the future. I also want to feel really good about myself. I will be completely honest and say that I am also doing this for the hypothetical future I dream of, and for my boyfriend that I love so much. I think it is important to be able to be proud of who you are with and I am so proud of him and he works hard on staying in shape and looking good, so I should too.

2. Exercise. I have noticed that I am getting to where I can't do a lot of what I used to be able to do and that just makes me mad. So, I am planning on exercising every other day and doing strength exercises on the days in between. This one is also very important to me--for me, for Kyle, and for some kiddos I hope to have one day.

3. Get into the word. This will be accomplished by following a book thing my dad gave me and I am really looking forward to it.

4. Be more positive.

5. Try and be more outgoing.

6. Find a church in Albuquerque.

7. Learn to live in the moment.

8. Call my grandma more.

9. Smile at strangers.

10. Put others above me.

Resolutions 1, 2, 6, and 8 will begin once I am back in Albuquerque.

I am really looking forward to some changes and I am really looking forward to getting healthy in 2o10. I hope this is a fantastic year!

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