Sunday, January 24, 2010

Surprise, I'm At Your Apartment!

So Friday I was majorly down.  I had called my mom and just cried and cried.  I still have a lot to work through and I am fully aware that this semester will be a doozy, but my spirits were lifted when I got a surprise visit from my boyfriend.

When Kyle called me in the morning I thought, "he is coming to Albuquerque."  There were little clues I picked up on but I had decided that in order to not be REALLY disappointed if he wasn't coming, that I needed to tell myself he wasn't.  He did a good job trying to throw me off.

I went to class at 2:00 and I thought, I hope he doesn't call from the ranch, because if he calls from the ranch, he isn't coming.  So about 3:00, he text me in class to call him when I got out.  Well, we had already discussed me doing that so I was like hmmm.  I couldn't text because I was afraid of getting caught, so he text a few minutes later and said, "did you get my message."  I snuck in a "yes" text and then he kept texting me stuff like "when do you get out," etc.  That's when I was sure he was either in Albuquerque or really wanted to talk on the phone.  I knew it couldn't be the latter, because he hates talking on the phone. 

So a few minutes later he says, "Is there a secret way into your apartment" and before I could answer back, he says, "Surprise, I'm at your apartment!"  I was so happy, and could not stand the fact that I had to stay in class until 4:00. 

I finally got out of class and did not waste anytime getting back to my place.  I was so excited to see him and he will never fully understand how much him coming up meant to me.  I had prayed early that morning saying, "Jesus, please make it possible for him to come and see me this weekend."  He decided that morning to come and see me.

We had a great weekend.  My brother, Kyle, and I went to dinner at Monroe's Friday night, then we met up with Brad and Hayley at Flying Star.  We had some good conversation and a lot of laughs.  Cindy met up with us later, and the laughter and conversation ensued.  We said our goodbyes after a wonderful night.

The next day we did a little shopping for some pants that Kyle has been looking for.  We then met my brother at Cecilia's Cafe, a little New Mexican cafe that was featured on Diners, Drive-In's, and Dives.  It was alright, but it wasn't out of this world.  I did only have a chimichanga though too.  : )  Afterward, Kyle and I parted with Zak and continued our quest for pants.  We found the coolest ones, but they never have his size.  That's the price he pays for being tall and skinny. 

Later, Brad and Hayley came over and we played a couple games of Scene-It, went to Mimi's for dinner, and then went over to Brad and Hayley's where we ended up watching a John Lennon video.  Today we woke up and went to church.  I tried out First Family Church.  It's less than a minute away and I really did like it, plus a girl from school goes there too.  We left church, picked up an early fast food lunch ( yuck ), brought it back to my place and he was out the door by 11:30.  I of course shed quite a few tears, but he is good and reassuring me everything will be okay.  I watched him drive out onto Montgomery and began missing him. 

It went by way too fast, but I am so lucky and happy that he came up.  He can really lift my spirits and I really love having him around.  It's hard to be away from your best friend.  I am so grateful for him.  I am grateful for my mom too, because she was really there for me Friday morning when I needed it. 


Thank you so much for blessing me with wonderful people in my life.  Thank you for my mom and my dad.  Thank you for bringing Kyle and I together.   Thank you for opening doors for school relationships and for providing a church to get connected to. 


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