Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In my writing methods class we had to read the first two chapters of our textbook and I honestly loved it.  The author explained that for kids, writing has become something that they dread, because of the way teachers present it.  For example, they might tell you what to write about or say, "it's time to journal . . . it's only ten minutes."  They present it as though it's agony.

She explains that as teachers we should try and remember a time when writing was significant to us and teach from there.  She also mentions that by giving kids topics, we are suggesting that their own lives are not significant enough to write about.  She really inspired me to write, and not necessarily write stories or something formulaic, but just to write about the little things in life that mean something to me.

For the same class, we were assigned to writing for a total of thirty minutes in the next week.  When my professor said thirty minutes I thought, "This is the greatest assignment ever!"  This is because I do love to write.  I love to organize my thoughts and recap the day.  I love to let out the stuff that I might not have had a chance to tell anyone.

Today was the first day of Nutrisystems.  I was actually surprised by how enjoyable some of the food was.  The banana nut muffin I had for breakfast was really good, like just as good as other stuff I have had.  I heated up some tomato soup, and it was awful!  But, I didn't actually order that one, it came for free, so it's cool.  I then tried the cheesy potatoes, they were rather good.  I had the pizza for dinner, and a fudge brownie.  It was all really good.  I have set a goal for 15 pounds by my birthday, March 27th.  I think it is a reasonable goal.  That's two months and I have seen in the past that when I work hard, sometimes I lose that even faster.

I am trying to stay positive through this and not get too anxious about the results.  I am trying to take it step by step and enjoy it.  What I will have to really work on is getting the exercise in.  I will also be going home this weekend, so I will have to be strong and stick to my meals, when other people are eating out or eating good stuff.

I was so bummed today because I got home, had some lunch, and was ready to do what I had planned when something unexpected came up:  a migraine.  If you have never had a migraine, consider yourself blessed.  It completely handicaps me.  The only thing I can do is sleep.  Today, that did not help.  I have had it now for six hours.  The most frustrating thing is that I can't do anything.  I can't read for school because it just makes it worse and I don't retain it.  I can't exercise, which I was really looking forward to because I have found a really good workout video.

It's annoying because you can't do anything, and I honestly worry what I will do when I am a teacher and I can't go home and lay down and I have 20+ kids being loud in a room with fluorescent lighting.  This makes sense if you have had a migraine, because the absolutely most soothing thing for it is to be in a dark, cool, quiet environment . . . basically you become a troglodyte.

I have found that these migraines occur regularly, along with something else that occurs regularly.  So I am afraid it is something I must learn to deal with.  I am fortunate enough to have a boyfriend that I can call, and though he can't do anything really, he makes me feel better.  He prayed for me and it gave me some perspective. 

Well I must go to sleep now.  Even with the two hour nap, I am a sleepy girl.


Thank you for blessing me with health.  I know I have these migraines one week out of the month, but I am pretty healthy the rest of the time.


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