Thursday, February 4, 2010

Girl Talk

She'll never know how much it means to me to just talk for thirty minutes here and there about petty girl things. 

Somehow I have found myself in a phase of my life called "I have no girlfriends" phase.  I am not going back on my word, I still think girls are the worst, but there are many days when I think "man I wish I could tell a girl this."

Kyle is great.  He is most definitely my best friend, but he is still a boy. 

It makes me so happy to get to talk to her every once in a while.

I really need to go on a long walk in the morning for a few reasons:

1.  I haven't exercised at all this week.
2.  I cheated tonight . . . oh well.
3.  I need some happiness and exercise makes me happy.

I need to clean my apartment.  I really don't know why I can't just clean it.  I have been "cleaning" it since I came back on the 17th.  Ha.  I wonder if it's because I don't want to be here.

My kindergartners were really funny today.
I had to test them on what they knew about themselves.
So I asked one boy, "what is your middle name?"  He answered, "Sonic."
I then asked the same boy when his birthday was and he said, "The 52nd."

One girl was tardy and came in to the classroom while Mrs. Chavez was asking why students were late.  Some had appointments, some had family issues, and this little girls says, "I'm just late, but I am wearing my special dress-up outfit."

It was really cute.

Another girl said, "I love you, Miss Nicole."
Another one has this thing where she whispers in my ear that she is a teacher too.  She then looks around to make sure no one is listening and asks me every Thursday if I remember what she told me.  I don't get it, but it's really funny.

I am looking forward to not having anywhere to go tomorrow until 2 p.m.

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