Sunday, February 28, 2010

So, I can already tell that the next two weeks will be rather long. 
I am kind of excited though because I have really slacked off in areas that I don't want to.
Kyle and I are trying to keep each other accountable, but it's funny because we both didn't do any of the things we are keeping each other accountable for while he was in Albuquerque this weekend.

My things are:
1.  Keeping my apartment clean. (This was hard because I felt like I was washing dishes the whole weekend and I just wanted to spend time with him)
2.  Read my devotion book daily and journal about it.
3.  Walk M W F and do strength stuff T TR S
4.  Doing my Nutrisystems (This is hard because I did exchanges and am still waiting on them.)
5.  Be in bed by 9:30 (This one is my favorite!)

I had a really great weekend.  It's fun when Kyle comes because he brings everyone together.  People like to hang out with them, so I get to inadvertently hang out with people.

Thursday night we had dinner with Brad and Hayley at Chili's.  I like hanging out with them.  Brad makes me laugh with his dad jokes.  I really like to hang out with Hayley because I am still getting to know her.  People interest me, especially people that don't give away everything about themselves at first, and that's Hayley.  I like to watch them together too because you can tell they really care about each other.  Couples like that are my favorite and it's cool that there is someone for everyone.  I also like that they do stuff like this together. 

After the movie we went and saw Brothers and I loved it.  Let's just move past the fact that Jake Gyllenhaal looked amazing and had a really cool character.  Aside from that, the girl that played Isabella, the oldest daughter, was amazing.  The whole time I was thinking, "this girl is going places."  Anytime she would cry, it sold it.  Her name is Bailee Madison and I can't wait to see her in something else.  I really liked the movie and it wasn't at all what I thought it was going to be. 

Friday was quite uneventful.  Zak came over at about noon and then I had to leave and go to class at 2:00.  I came back at about 4:00 and just hung out with Kyle.  I showed him a game I play on the computer called Mahjong Solitaire and he got hooked. I swear he played it like a million times.  Zak came over later and we made some pizza and watched short track skating.  Apollo got DQ-ed ugh.  I am pretty sure having a Canadian reviewer is like the dumbest thing ever.

Saturday was not so much fun.  I woke up at 6:00 a.m. with a really bad stomach ache.  I finally went back to sleep and then woke up at 7:00, feeling worse.  I took some medicine and fell asleep on the bathroom floor, wrapped in my towel.  I don't know why but ever since I was a little girl, I have always laid on the bathroom floor when I was feeling sick.  I woke up at 8:00 on the bathroom floor and went back to my bed.  Kyle woke me up at 9:30 and asked if I needed anything.  There are a few things that can really say a lot about a guy, and the way he treats you when you are sick is one.  I told him I needed Pepto and a Sprite and he came back with Pepto, a Sprite, and a People Magazine.  If you knew Kyle, and you knew me, you would know that meant the world to me.  I love People Magazine and he hates that I spend money on them, so him buying it for me says so much.


Later that day we went to see Shutter Island.  I was still feeling a little weird but I wanted to see it.  It was really good.  I was nervous the whole time and jumped in my seat like ten times, but it was worth it.  After Kyle and I went to my apartment where we continued to play Mahjong.  : )  Zak came over later and we played a little trivia, and had quite a few laughs.  It reminded me of Seattle, minus the freezing cold apartment with no cell service and only 4 basic TV channels.


Today, Kyle and I went to the 9:15 church service.  They played a video that broke my heart.  So now I am trying to get up the courage to go and give plasma to make some money to give away.  Then we came back to my apartment.  Kyle did some homework, which was extremely entertaining.  He talks to himself like a crazy person, the entire time.  Zak came over and we watched the USA v. canada game and I cried when USA tied it up right in the last 20 seconds, then was so let down when they lost.  Then, Kyle left.  : (  But it's okay.  Just 12 days until I go home again, and then five days until we go to St. Louis!  : )    

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