Sunday, February 7, 2010

Little by Little

I started Nutrisystems on Tuesday the 26th of January, and then went home that weekend, kind of cheated a bit (Cortez, the drive-in, and Kyle's mom's cooking), started back Tuesday the 2nd, and I have lost seven pounds.  I am pretty proud of this not because of the number but because of the way I feel.  Seven pounds is not that much but I can tell in my face and I just feel a lot more comfortable.  I still have a ways to as far as my goal is concerned, but I am very proud.  My brother commented last night that he could see that my face looked good.  I always lose it there first, and it's not much, but it just has more definition and shape, and is not as "round."

I am also proud of myself for finding a church that I really like and stepping outside of my comfort zone.  I actually filled out a guest card and went after the service to meet the Pastor, Galen Woodward, (pictured left) and I also met a really nice lady named Karen, who is in charge of newcomers.  They were both really nice and told me about a college age service on Thursday nights that I am looking forward to trying out.  I won't be able to this Thursday, but I am excited to go the next week.  I really love this church.  I LOVE the worship.  Not only does the guy have an amazing voice, but they sing songs I have never heard that are really good.  I like Pastor Woodward's sermons, and I love how close it is to my apartment.  I could walk there and if you know me and how I hate to drive far, you know how much this means to me.  I love how it's short and to the point.  Sometimes when people ramble I lose focus and get antsy and then lose out on the message.

I am also proud to say that I made the Dean's List for the College of Education at UNM with a 4.06.  I got the letter last week and was so excited to find out that my hard work had been noticed.  This might seem minuscule to some who have done this forever.  I made the Dean's List numerous times at Northwest, but I have never had a 4.06 in college and I am really proud of it.  I am proud because I was new to UNM, new to Albuquerque, and I worked hard to get the grades I got. 

Little by little, I am finding my way in Albuquerque and I am finding peace with the present.  This is such a blessing to me.

1 comment:

  1. This is so great!! I love hearing that you are doing well... I miss you up here though!
